Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cool Hand Luke

Although the movie, Cool Hand Luke had its entertaining moments, altogether i didn't enjoy it as much as i'd hoped. Although i understood the message of the film and could appreciate it, i still found some of the scenes too long or kind of boring. I understood that the filmmakers were giving us a clear example of Lukes fighting spirit, when he refused to give up in a fight with a man much bigger than him, but i felt like the scene lasted too long, and was slightly gruesome to watch. Luke wouldn't give up even when the warden tried to brake him, and was caught multiple times running away, but the length of the scenes him running away and the amount of times became too much, eventually you were sitting there expecting him to get caught again. It was hard to appreciate Lukes supposed leader ship qualities when he also seemed to break the spirit of his friends and fellow inmates when he returned the second time, and told them the picture he sent them was a fake. Although he had just been caught and beaten, it still was painful to watch him hurt them when they tried to console him. In the last scene of the movie, Luke is shot by no eyes and dies smiling, which was comforting, because you knew he got what he wanted, his freedom. But what i couldnt understand was how the film makers expected you to feel when Luke tells the warden they had a "failure to communicate" and is then shot. Although the film was entertaining, mainly because of the occasional joke, and the sight of Paul Newmans smile, but i had trouble following, and staying interested.


  1. I agree that the movie was rather boring in the beginning but the more you got to know each of the characters personalities I think the more interesting the movie got. Luke was really different from other characters we see today in movies, I think it was a good movie.

  2. I agree that some parts of the movie just dragged on and on. The fight scene especially just went extra long. However, I found it easy to appreciate Luke's qualities because despite all his rebellious moments he was very Christ like to the prisoners and people looked up to him.
