Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The movie Casablance was everything i expected and more. The romance between Ilsa and Rick was well set up. it was nice to see that rick had loved once, very deeply. But because he lost her he becomes bitter and selfish, saying he sticks his neck out for anyone. The final scene of the movie is the greatest proclamation of love and man could ever give, for a man who said he stuck his neck out for no one, he put his life and freedom on the line for the woman he would always love. Both men also show there great love for Ilsa when they are both willing to let her be with the other man, so long as he keeps her safe. The movie is complex, with many different stories lines going on at once, but the final result is a fascinating, and heart warming romance. At the end of the movie when rick puts his life on the line for the woman he loves, you feel a true sympathy for him. Although we all harbored some hope for Ilsa and Ricks romance to last, we also knew that her husband was an equally loving and deserving man, so its hard to find sadness in either one of them being successful in getting to be with Ilsa. Because Rick proved himself such a good person, at the end of the movie, you feel truly frightened for what will happen next for him. For all these reasons the movie is made even better at the ending when the general of the morrocan army doens't turn Rick in for murdering the German general. The romance in this story is also very respectable, because it is so realistic, especially for its time. We very often see romances in films where no matter the odds, or the ridiculous lengths taken, love always survives. In this movie Ilsa could not have it both ways, and Rick knew her husband was better for her. After viewing Casablanca, its no wonder its a classic, and i'm very impressed with the great story line the film makers were able to create.


  1. I also like the end of the movie where Rick shows his never ending love for her by letting Ilsa go with Victor on the plane to America. It goes to show that he is willing to risk his life for the one and only woman he ever loved.

  2. I definitely think that Casablanca was the classic love story. I felt sympathy for Rick for risking his life to save the one of the woman he loved. The romance is true and realistic and it was nice to see Humphrey Bogart play that sort of character.

  3. eh I didn't think the love story was played out as well as it could have been. I did like the end, but I didn't think the movie itself was a great depiction of a "good love story"
