Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cool Hand Luke

Although the movie, Cool Hand Luke had its entertaining moments, altogether i didn't enjoy it as much as i'd hoped. Although i understood the message of the film and could appreciate it, i still found some of the scenes too long or kind of boring. I understood that the filmmakers were giving us a clear example of Lukes fighting spirit, when he refused to give up in a fight with a man much bigger than him, but i felt like the scene lasted too long, and was slightly gruesome to watch. Luke wouldn't give up even when the warden tried to brake him, and was caught multiple times running away, but the length of the scenes him running away and the amount of times became too much, eventually you were sitting there expecting him to get caught again. It was hard to appreciate Lukes supposed leader ship qualities when he also seemed to break the spirit of his friends and fellow inmates when he returned the second time, and told them the picture he sent them was a fake. Although he had just been caught and beaten, it still was painful to watch him hurt them when they tried to console him. In the last scene of the movie, Luke is shot by no eyes and dies smiling, which was comforting, because you knew he got what he wanted, his freedom. But what i couldnt understand was how the film makers expected you to feel when Luke tells the warden they had a "failure to communicate" and is then shot. Although the film was entertaining, mainly because of the occasional joke, and the sight of Paul Newmans smile, but i had trouble following, and staying interested.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Alfred Hitchcocks film Psycho, was everything a good thriller was meant to be. The movie starts out with an interesting plot, following a woman who is on the run with stolen money. The character Norman Bates is an awkward and shy man, who is clearly interested in the woman who arrives to his motel. When first meeting Normans character, you assume he's just a shy hotel keep, who hasn't been around many people, and spends far too much time with his mother. During the shower scene, when we see the "mother" appear and stab the woman, the music, which if played to long would probably give anyone a headache, heightens immediately making your heart beat faster. The movie was very good with murder scenes because they really only showed you what was neccessary. Unlke most horror films which try there best to be gory and gross, only resulting in laughter, and disconnection by the audience. This film just shows you the blood and persons face, which keeps you interested, and not vomiting. This movie was also great, because it wasn't the generic, background given to a horror film, people walking alone in the woods, or car broke down in an abandoned town, Alfred Hitchcock was creative with his story. The twist at the end of the film was funny, and interesting. Seeing Norman Bates run in with a dress on, was definitely entertaining. The final scene of the film is the most creative and thrilling of al, where we see norman bates but hear his mothers voice, thinking and explaining how it wasn't her fault. The movie was a true thriller, that would be considered well made even 50 years later.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The movie Casablance was everything i expected and more. The romance between Ilsa and Rick was well set up. it was nice to see that rick had loved once, very deeply. But because he lost her he becomes bitter and selfish, saying he sticks his neck out for anyone. The final scene of the movie is the greatest proclamation of love and man could ever give, for a man who said he stuck his neck out for no one, he put his life and freedom on the line for the woman he would always love. Both men also show there great love for Ilsa when they are both willing to let her be with the other man, so long as he keeps her safe. The movie is complex, with many different stories lines going on at once, but the final result is a fascinating, and heart warming romance. At the end of the movie when rick puts his life on the line for the woman he loves, you feel a true sympathy for him. Although we all harbored some hope for Ilsa and Ricks romance to last, we also knew that her husband was an equally loving and deserving man, so its hard to find sadness in either one of them being successful in getting to be with Ilsa. Because Rick proved himself such a good person, at the end of the movie, you feel truly frightened for what will happen next for him. For all these reasons the movie is made even better at the ending when the general of the morrocan army doens't turn Rick in for murdering the German general. The romance in this story is also very respectable, because it is so realistic, especially for its time. We very often see romances in films where no matter the odds, or the ridiculous lengths taken, love always survives. In this movie Ilsa could not have it both ways, and Rick knew her husband was better for her. After viewing Casablanca, its no wonder its a classic, and i'm very impressed with the great story line the film makers were able to create.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

King Kong 2005

Viewing the new version of King Kong was very entertaining. I enjoyed this version, but also noticed there was many differences in this one, from the orginal. When viewing the 2005 version you feel entirely different emotions. Unlike in the first creation of the film, jack and ann's romance is more understated, and there is more emphasis on the relationship between ann and king kong. The film has more scenes involving just the two of them, in which kong shows more emotion and affection towards ann, thanks to the better technology. In this version you find yourself much more distressed at kongs death than in the original. Rather than being kongs victim, ann is the victim of loss at kongs death. Ann creates a greater friendship with kong, and eventually learns not to fear him, that he is her protector in many respects.
Although this version of king kong is more realistic in many ways, i do find myself more drawn to the first version. As an average viewer, i have more connection to the love between ann and jack rather than ann and kong, so i enjoyed viewing that play out. Clearly the creators of this film, knew the idea of a friendship between ann and king kong would be more accepted now than it was in the 30's, so they were able to go further with the development of that. Altogether, the 2005 version of king kong, was entertaining and emotionally captivating. At the end of the film you feel powerful emotion, viewing kong fall from the empire state building. This was a truly great film.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

King Kong Response

I was very interested to see the original king kong when i hear we were going to watch it in class. I've heard many times that the film is a classic and that its very entertaining, but i'd only seen part of the most recently made king kong. Although everyone in the class, including myself, found the effects in the movie, ridiculous, and funny, it was interesting to hear about how it was all put together. The movie itself was actually better than i expected. Except for a cheesy love scene, the acting in the movie was probably better than some of the acting we see in modern films. We see that actors in the 30's, were very real and good. Although there were many stereotypes in the film, the movie is an interesting, and imaginative creation for something that was one of the first movies to not have been based on a book.
When viewing the special features on the dvd, the best part was definitely learning how the movie itself was put together in the 1930's. When watching the film, i had no idea that some of the scenery was simple painted on a piece of glass. In comparison to today's special effects, king kong himself wasn't very realistic, but we did learn that his creation was very complex, and he was considered amazing for his time. Watching the film for the first time, it was funny to think about how it must have been for viewers seeing the movie for the first time when it originally premiered. To the viewers in the early 20th century, the movie was probably considered ground breaking, and amazing. Seeing this film was definitely a good example of how far film creation has come in the past 77 years, and how much technology has changed. Although by today standards, the original king kong may be primitive, its amazing to see older technology, its creation, and its uses.